Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Each day is a gift from God.  How do you receive this amazing gift?  Do you start off the day with the expectation that great things are going to happen or are you carrying the burdens of the previous day into your present day?     I encourage you to take control of the day that is given to you by maximizing the moment!  I believe that each  moment is masterfully orchestrated in your life to fulfill the purpose of your life.  You may be wondering how do I maximize my moments.  First, take time to realize that you are in the present.  You should not be stuck in the past or overly anxious about the future that you miss out on the present moment.  Experience everything that is in that moment.   Be patient with whatever you are experiencing.  Allow life to unfold and reveal to you what is for you.  Remember life is full of invaluable lessons that we use to learn and grow.  Unfortunately, many of us continue to receive the same life lesson because we did not learn the lesson the first time around.  When we overlook the moments in life, we miss out on the lessons of life.  Maya Angelou put is best by saying: "Be present in all things and thankful for all things."  I am present in this very moment that God is doing incredible things in my life and your life. EVERYTHING is working out for your higher good so maximize your moments!

Monday, October 10, 2011

What will you do in the next 90 days to set the pace for the new year?

What you do in the next 90 days will set the pace for 2012.  Often times we frantically rush around trying to close out existing matters and start new ones.  It would be great if we could hit the "pause" button of life and really get clear on what needs to be completed, deleted or delegated.  Unfortunately, a "pause" button does not exist.  I often recommend coaching clients to block off a few hours to sort through everything that's on their plate.  Now realistically you will not get through everything, but it is a start.  You may have to block off  half a day.    You want to ask yourself the following questions:  1.  What REALLY matters to me at this point in my life?  2.  Are my goals a reflection of what I really want out of life?  3.  Are the things listed on my "to do list" supporting or taking away from the goals I've set for my life? 4.  Am I addressing the small items on my list and avoiding the big items?  5.  What items am I prepared to complete, delete or delegate?   Start the sorting process NOW.  You want to have LASER focus on the things that matter before entering 2012.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Who's bringing down your average???

There is a well-known saying in the personal development world that states you are the sum total of the (5) people you associate with the most.  Those individuals that you spend the most time with have a DIRECT impact on who you are becoming.  You have to ask yourself the following questions:  (1) Do the individuals you are associating with have what you want  - - tangible and intangible benefits?  (2)  Do they have a POSITIVE outlook on life?  and (3) Do they celebrate you vs. tolerate you?  If you answered NO to any of these questions, you should be concerned.  Someone is bringing down your average!  Take inventory of your life and your associations.   Get clarity around what you want and start associating with people who have what you want - - tangible and intangible benefits.  ONLY surround yourself with positive, upbeat people who CELEBRATE you and not just tolerate you.  If family members  are bringing down your average, LIMIT your contact.  Remember, you have control over who comes and goes in your life.   You only get one life . . . live your BEST life!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stay in the PRESS . . .

We all experience challenging situations that test our ability to keep moving forward in life.  I want to encourage those of you that may be going through challenging times to stay in the PRESS.   When you are in the press, you are being shaped & molded into the NEW you.  Don't wish you were not in the press, just trust that you are right where you are suppose to be.  Embrace the press!  The press is a part of your story, your journey to a NEW you!  When you come out of the press, you will have an incredible testimony of everything you experienced while going through the press and who you have become as a result of going through the press.  This incredible testimony is meant to be shared with everyone!  Someone needs to hear your story, your testimony.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What seeds have you planted for the upcoming HARVEST???

Hello ladies!  It is that time of year to reap the HARVEST.  What seeds have you planted to reap this coming harvest?  Are you expecting a bountiful harvest this fall?  Did you plant in good soil?  All of these questions are meaningful as you reflect on what is about to manifest in your life.  Often times we are not aware of the seeds we are planting.  The seeds we plant can come in many forms.  For example, we can plant seeds of love and encouragement to a family member or friend.  Perhaps we could plant seeds of time and hard work.  Giving of your time and hard work freely to someone or some organization in need can reap a bountiful harvest.  I can recall giving pro bono hours to do elder law work for elders experiencing physical and emotional abuse.  I thoroughly enjoyed giving back to seniors in need.  As a result of  giving back, I received the pro bono award from the State Bar of California for outstanding service to the poor.  I realized that when you sow good seeds (time and hard work) into a good soil (worthy cause) you will reap an abundant harvest!  Fast forward, the elder abuse work I did years ago is still reaping a harvest for me today!Although I am not actively taking elder law cases, I can pass on the referrals I receive for elder law cases to business associates.

Let others know what seeds you have planted.  What are you EXPECTING from  the seeds you have sown?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sister Coaching Circle (SCC) Launch!!! CHANGE is in the air . . .

Come join a powerful group of women who understand that NOW is the time to become your personal best and leave your mark in the world.  Women who join SCC realize life is more than just making a living, but it is about making a difference.   Women fully embrace their purpose in life with passion!  The synergy created by the group is contagious.

Women allow their authentic voice to speak.  Women are able to let down their hair, take off the mask, peel back the layers of self-doubt, break through limiting beliefs, stretch beyond comfort zones and ultimately discover their God-given calling – their purpose.  By discovering their purpose, women are better positioned to enrich the lives of others in their community and the world.  Women who participate in SCC know that their success in life is measured by the number of lives they are able to positively impact.

Imagine a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment where women engage in heart-felt conversations that allow them to stretch and grow.  Imagine being in an environment where women genuinely celebrate your “wins” in life vs. pretend to be happy for you.  Imagine being able to share your dreams, aspirations and/or goals without worrying about "dream killers" or “hatters”.

If anything you just read resonates, than SCC is for you.   Get started TODAY for a special introductory rate of only $69.95 a month for a (10) week program in person!  Note: the same (10) week program is being offered for $39.95 on-line through teleclasses only.  Normally a program of this value cost hundreds of dollars.  Simply express your interest and leave your contact information and  someone will call you within 48 hours.  Indicate if you want to join a group or form your own.  All groups range from a minimum of (5) to (8) women.  I look forward to partnering with you to transform your life! 

“In order to become your personal best, you must surround yourself with the best.” 
-Tamara Steele