Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sister Coaching Circle (SCC) Launch!!! CHANGE is in the air . . .

Come join a powerful group of women who understand that NOW is the time to become your personal best and leave your mark in the world.  Women who join SCC realize life is more than just making a living, but it is about making a difference.   Women fully embrace their purpose in life with passion!  The synergy created by the group is contagious.

Women allow their authentic voice to speak.  Women are able to let down their hair, take off the mask, peel back the layers of self-doubt, break through limiting beliefs, stretch beyond comfort zones and ultimately discover their God-given calling – their purpose.  By discovering their purpose, women are better positioned to enrich the lives of others in their community and the world.  Women who participate in SCC know that their success in life is measured by the number of lives they are able to positively impact.

Imagine a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment where women engage in heart-felt conversations that allow them to stretch and grow.  Imagine being in an environment where women genuinely celebrate your “wins” in life vs. pretend to be happy for you.  Imagine being able to share your dreams, aspirations and/or goals without worrying about "dream killers" or “hatters”.

If anything you just read resonates, than SCC is for you.   Get started TODAY for a special introductory rate of only $69.95 a month for a (10) week program in person!  Note: the same (10) week program is being offered for $39.95 on-line through teleclasses only.  Normally a program of this value cost hundreds of dollars.  Simply express your interest and leave your contact information and  someone will call you within 48 hours.  Indicate if you want to join a group or form your own.  All groups range from a minimum of (5) to (8) women.  I look forward to partnering with you to transform your life! 

“In order to become your personal best, you must surround yourself with the best.” 
-Tamara Steele

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree with Tamara Steele. We must let life unfold from within us, that is where all our life comes from. Forcing our goodness from outside of us is manipulating its nature for fear that it is not going to happen.

    When is the last time you pulled on a carrot in the ground, to make it grow faster. ...and guess what? When our appearances do not come from our nature, they shall arrives in a limited way; limited by our doubts and fears, and not nutured by our faith.

    So let us be gentle and do not push, because we push our happiness away from us, instead of letting it come to us by evolving through us.

    When we desire a change, we must change first, and we shall always have an effective result that we have caused.

    As usual we have it backwards; when we let go, and let God, we rereceive. When we hang on, we limit the amounts that we can have.
