Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Each day is a gift from God.  How do you receive this amazing gift?  Do you start off the day with the expectation that great things are going to happen or are you carrying the burdens of the previous day into your present day?     I encourage you to take control of the day that is given to you by maximizing the moment!  I believe that each  moment is masterfully orchestrated in your life to fulfill the purpose of your life.  You may be wondering how do I maximize my moments.  First, take time to realize that you are in the present.  You should not be stuck in the past or overly anxious about the future that you miss out on the present moment.  Experience everything that is in that moment.   Be patient with whatever you are experiencing.  Allow life to unfold and reveal to you what is for you.  Remember life is full of invaluable lessons that we use to learn and grow.  Unfortunately, many of us continue to receive the same life lesson because we did not learn the lesson the first time around.  When we overlook the moments in life, we miss out on the lessons of life.  Maya Angelou put is best by saying: "Be present in all things and thankful for all things."  I am present in this very moment that God is doing incredible things in my life and your life. EVERYTHING is working out for your higher good so maximize your moments!

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