Saturday, September 24, 2011

Who's bringing down your average???

There is a well-known saying in the personal development world that states you are the sum total of the (5) people you associate with the most.  Those individuals that you spend the most time with have a DIRECT impact on who you are becoming.  You have to ask yourself the following questions:  (1) Do the individuals you are associating with have what you want  - - tangible and intangible benefits?  (2)  Do they have a POSITIVE outlook on life?  and (3) Do they celebrate you vs. tolerate you?  If you answered NO to any of these questions, you should be concerned.  Someone is bringing down your average!  Take inventory of your life and your associations.   Get clarity around what you want and start associating with people who have what you want - - tangible and intangible benefits.  ONLY surround yourself with positive, upbeat people who CELEBRATE you and not just tolerate you.  If family members  are bringing down your average, LIMIT your contact.  Remember, you have control over who comes and goes in your life.   You only get one life . . . live your BEST life!

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