Monday, October 10, 2011

What will you do in the next 90 days to set the pace for the new year?

What you do in the next 90 days will set the pace for 2012.  Often times we frantically rush around trying to close out existing matters and start new ones.  It would be great if we could hit the "pause" button of life and really get clear on what needs to be completed, deleted or delegated.  Unfortunately, a "pause" button does not exist.  I often recommend coaching clients to block off a few hours to sort through everything that's on their plate.  Now realistically you will not get through everything, but it is a start.  You may have to block off  half a day.    You want to ask yourself the following questions:  1.  What REALLY matters to me at this point in my life?  2.  Are my goals a reflection of what I really want out of life?  3.  Are the things listed on my "to do list" supporting or taking away from the goals I've set for my life? 4.  Am I addressing the small items on my list and avoiding the big items?  5.  What items am I prepared to complete, delete or delegate?   Start the sorting process NOW.  You want to have LASER focus on the things that matter before entering 2012.

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