Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What seeds have you planted for the upcoming HARVEST???

Hello ladies!  It is that time of year to reap the HARVEST.  What seeds have you planted to reap this coming harvest?  Are you expecting a bountiful harvest this fall?  Did you plant in good soil?  All of these questions are meaningful as you reflect on what is about to manifest in your life.  Often times we are not aware of the seeds we are planting.  The seeds we plant can come in many forms.  For example, we can plant seeds of love and encouragement to a family member or friend.  Perhaps we could plant seeds of time and hard work.  Giving of your time and hard work freely to someone or some organization in need can reap a bountiful harvest.  I can recall giving pro bono hours to do elder law work for elders experiencing physical and emotional abuse.  I thoroughly enjoyed giving back to seniors in need.  As a result of  giving back, I received the pro bono award from the State Bar of California for outstanding service to the poor.  I realized that when you sow good seeds (time and hard work) into a good soil (worthy cause) you will reap an abundant harvest!  Fast forward, the elder abuse work I did years ago is still reaping a harvest for me today!Although I am not actively taking elder law cases, I can pass on the referrals I receive for elder law cases to business associates.

Let others know what seeds you have planted.  What are you EXPECTING from  the seeds you have sown?


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